Class GeoTableEval

The class GeoTableEval provides a tool for evaluating multiple partitions of fundamental geographical area definitions called regions into aggregations. All partitions are evaluated in terms of a selected error metric. The input data for the tool should consist of (a) boundary points of regions and (b) attributes associated with each region. This type of data can be loaded from ESRI Shape files (.shp, .shx and .dbf files).

The objective of this tool is to evaluate feature prediction errors per each aggregation of regions based on one or many partitions of regions. Feature prediction errors are computed based on a selected set of partitions, features and associated feature weights.

Setup: It is assumed that a shape file (.shp and .shx files) with all boundary and tabular information has been loaded in the main window. When the GeoTableEval dialog is invoked from the main menu of the main window, the file with tabular information (.dbf) called the attribute file will be loaded assuming that the root name of the shape file and attribute file are identical. All loaded data are represented by two internal data objects, ShapeObject (region boundaries) and Table (region attributes/features, weights, aggregation labels, auxiliary information). The region boundaries are visualized in the main window and the region attributes can be visualized from the GeoTableEval dialog by clicking on the "ListFeat" or "ShowDbf" button (see Dialog Figure).

An example of region boundaries representing the county boundaries in Illinois.

An example of region attributes in a tabular form that represent attributes per each region boundaries, e.g., terrain elevation attributes of counties in Illinois.

The Dialog interface to perform parameter setup, evaluation, visualization and output of the computed results.

Step 1: The first step is to select aggregations (partitions), attributes (features) and feature weights before performing any error evaluations. One can view labels for all tabular columns by clicking the button "ListFeat" and select any combination of aggregations, features and feature weights by clicking on "SelectAggreg", "SelectFeat" and "SelectWeights" and entering column indices according to the list of column labels. For example, if a user would want to select attributes/features 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10, then he/she would type into a pop-up dialog 1-4, 6-8, 10, or each index separated by a space or comma. After selecting a set of aggregations, features and weights, the TextArea labeled as "Results" in the dialog will show the list of selected column labels.
Note 1: There will be a warning issued if a column index selected by "SelectAggreg" is not of integer type since we expect to process aggregations labeled by integer values.
Note 2: If the feature weights are not selected then the error evaluation is performed with weights set to 1.0. If the feature weights are selected as a single number then this value will be applied to all features. Any other selection of feature weights must insure the same number of weights and features otherwise the evaluation will fail.

Step 2: Select an error metric from a combo box "EvalMetric". The metrics are described next.


City Block:

Normalized Variance:

Normalized City Block:

where values are defined by:

and the notation corresponds to:

Run and Display Results: The algorithm is executed by clicking the "Eval" button. The global errors of all partitions can be viewed by clicking "ShowEval" and viewing the TextArea labeled as "Results".

Global errors presented in the text area of the dialog and computed for the mean terrain elevation feature, no weights and four partitions obtained by aggregating with or without spatial constraints.

Furthermore, a plot showing computed errors as a function of region (boundary index) will be displayed (see below). Error values for multiple partitions are distinguished with different colors. It is possible to change the horizontal axis labeling by choosing a column in the attribute file that describes each region. For example, by clicking the "SelectBoundID" button, a user can choose county indices from an attribute file for the horizontal axis rather than a row index of the region in the attribute file.

An example of color coded visualization of error per region (boundary) invoked by clicking on "ShowEval".

The error evaluations can also be displayed by clicking the button "ShowGeoEval". This type of visualization presents the error of each aggregation together with the information about geographical locations of individual regions within an aggregation. By selecting a visible band (see the main documentation about viewing images), one can view geographical error distribution for each evaluated partition. Results for each partition can be viewed separately by invoking the "BandSelect" Dialog after right mouse button click on the image area and selecting the index of the partition. It is also possible to view the results as a movie by sweeping through the error layers continuously. This type of visualization is enabled with the "PlayBands" Dialog that is also invoked by right mouse button click on the image area.

Visualization of evaluation errors with geographical information. From left to right, geographical error distribution for the partitions with 37 (Eval# 0 Clust_0), 25 (Eval# 1 Clust_1), 35 (Eval# 2 Seg_3) and 26 (Eval# 3 Seg_4) aggregations.

Output of Results: The error evaluations can be saved into a DBF file by clicking the "Insert2DBF" button and then the "SaveDBF" button. It is also possible to save the results shown by "ShowGeoResults" with the button "SaveGeoResults".
It might be desirable to view the loaded attributes with the inserted labels by clicking "ShowDBF". This will open a new table viewer with all dbf file column attributes and their values.