Lincoln Places

Example: green dot

A recommendation letter was sent to President Abraham Lincoln from Fort Randall, Dakota territory by Major John Potter (Palter). Major Potter was an officer of the 41st Iowa Volunteer Infantry (originally part of the 14th Iowa Vol. Inf.).

Abraham Lincoln's places: pink dot

All places with relevance to Abraham Lincoln's life (from the Lincoln Log).

Abraham Lincoln's homes blue dot

Example: Selected documents

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Historical maps:

Western United States 1833 Illinois 1845 Railroad 1851
Washington 1852, postcard The seat of war in Virginia 1861 Washington, 1861, detail
USA 1861-1865 Map of the Dacota territory 1870 Illinois counties 1872

Document search:

year month daytype place

Music of Lincoln's time:

American music of the Period ** Lincoln's favorite music*
1820 The Missouri Harmony
A collection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems.
La Marseillaise
1820 Anthony Philip Heinrich, "The Dawning of Music in Kentucky",
and other romantic symphonies, songs and piano pieces.
Twenty Years Ago
Home, Sweet Home (lyrics)
1840s Daniel Decatur "Dan" Emmett, songs for the Virginia Minstrels,
1844/46, "Blue Tail Fly" (Pete Seeger's version)
note The Battle Cry of Freedom
Ben Bolt (lyrics)

1840-50s Stephen Collins Foster, songs for the Christy Minstrels,
1848 "Oh! Susanna"; 1850 "Camptown Races"
notenote The Sword of Bunker Hill
The Lament of the Irish Emigrant (lyrics)
1840-50s Louis Moreau Gottschalk, New Orleans, a pianist and composer,
1844-45, "La Bamboula"; 1855 "Le Banjo"
notenote Your Mission
Soldiers' Chorus from "Faust" by Gounod
1845 William Henry Fry, opera "Leonora",
1850-60s, four symphonies
1855 George Frederick Bristow, opera Rip Van Winkle,
An original American grand opera in three acts.
Civil War
1861 Julia Ward Howe, "Battle Hymn of the Republic",
to the music of the "John Brown's Body" song
1862 James Sloan Gibbons, "We Are Coming Father Abraham". note
1861–65 "Going Home", "All Quiet Along The Potomac" notenote * based on Abraham Lincoln and Music
** mp3, midi and YouTube video formats

Abraham Lincoln, lawyer:

Selected cases The Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln
1840 Bailey v. Cromwell Abraham Lincoln defended the freedom of a slave, Nance, in the Supreme Court in 1840.
1847 Matson v. Ashmore et. al. for the use of Bryant Abraham Lincoln defended the rights of a slaveholder, Robert Matson, who brought a Kentucky slave to Illinois.
1849 John Wright v. Robert T. M'Neely
1851 Barret v. Alton and Sangamon Railroad Abraham Lincoln represented the Alton & Sangamon Railroad in a dispute with a shareholder, James A. Barret.
1854 The Illinois Central Railroad Company v. the County of McLean
1857 Hurd v. the Rock Island Bridge Company A. Lincoln represented the Rock Island Bridge Company, he argued that the steamboat Effie Afton operators had acted incompetently before the ship sank.
1858 People v. Armstrong Abraham Lincoln defended William "Duff" Armstrong, who had been charged with murder.